Bellemeade Community Bike Shop Programs

Bike Shop Hours

In general, the Bike Shop is open 2-6pm, Wednesday through Friday. This when youth and community members can visit the shop for all of their repair needs. We have multiple toolkits available for use and we encourage our visitors to learn how to work on their own bikes through our assistance.

In winter 23’/24’, we renovated the Bike Shop!



Youth can earn-a-bike of their choosing by volunteering with us at the shop or around the community. Tasks include but are not limited to helping clean up Bellemeade Park, working at our mini farm, assisting with small tasks at the bike shop, and more. This is our most popular program and how we give out a majority of our bikes. This program is available year round during our shop open hours

Camp Spokes

Camp Spokes is a week-long, free bike mechanic and adventure camp for middle and high school girls and gender diverse youth. This is a camp created and organized by Groundwork RVA Bicycle Program Staff and Rad & Bones Bicycle Cooperative, with the help of many of our bicycle friends and partners from across the city. During camp, youth get to rebuild a bike of their choosing, learn how to use new tools, make a variety of bike related crafts, and ride around the city and our local parks! More

Group Visits and Outings

The bike shop offers guided visits and outings for local youth organizations. Groups can either come visit the bike shop and learn some bike mechanics, or book us for a guided trip to a local trail. Groups that we’ve worked with in the past include: Friends of Bellemeade Park, Cultural Roots Homeschooling Collective, Sacred Heart Center and more!


This is a 10-week bike building class, where students will learn how to fully deconstruct, repaint, and then rebuild a bike of their choosing. We most often offer this program during the winter season at the Bellemeade Community Center.


Bike outings and adventures

We offer a few guiding outings throughout the year for our local youth and their families. These include but are not limited to, trail riding and swimming at the river, day trips and overnights to national parks, group rides to the river and more!